Kids in Kilts Parent CommitteeThe Kids in Kilts Parent Committee (KIKPC) was formed in March 2017 to support the highland dancers of Kids in Kilts. The KIKPC hosts various fundraisers and community events throughout the year to raise funds for competitive dancers wishing to travel to out of town competitions. These competitions include ScotDance Canadian Championships, SDTA Scholarship Conference, International Gathering of Scottish Highland Dancing in Disney, Scotland, and more!
Robbie Burns Dinner - the Saturday of, or following January 25
Wine Raffle - to be drawn at Year-End Celebration Recital
Grey Cup Tickets
50/50 Raffle
Flowers sold at Year End Recital
Wine Raffle - to be drawn at Year-End Celebration Recital
Grey Cup Tickets
50/50 Raffle
Flowers sold at Year End Recital
2023-2024 Executive Committee
President- Tanis Knowles-Yarnell
Vice President - Kristine Gerhard
Treasurer - Stacy Stanley Young
Secretary - Kate MacKay
Member at Large - Tessa Jessome
Member at Large - Scott McDowell
Vice President - Kristine Gerhard
Treasurer - Stacy Stanley Young
Secretary - Kate MacKay
Member at Large - Tessa Jessome
Member at Large - Scott McDowell
Files available for download:Bylaws:
Travel Policy:
Travel Bursary Program:
Fundraising Policy: